Film & Theatre
The Lunar Codex uses digital and analog technology to preserve art, books, music, and more, enclosed in time capsules and launched to the Moon. It is a message-in-a-bottle to the future.
Curatorial Notes
In terms of other creative arts, filmmaking is represented by digital video of several films contained in The Polaris Collection, posters in The Νουα Collection, and screenplays in The Peregrine Collection.
Feature and short films include the Emmy® award-winning film Real Artists, the acclaimed film Fragile Storm, and the film The Darkest Moon.

Charming Stranger Films (2017) - PM1, GM1
- Directed by Cameo Wood
- Screenplay by Cameo Wood, based on a story by Ken Liu
- 40 film awards and 31 nominations, including an Emmy® Award
- Produced by
Cameo Wood â–ª Ryon Lane â–ª Jeremy Bornstein â–ª Rhiannon Crothers â–ª Richard Crownover â–ª Chris Porovaara Fisher â–ª Alexa Fraser-Herron â–ª Ashley Peter Niblock â–ª Allen Wilson â–ª Samuel Peralta
- Cast
Tamlyn Tomita â–ª Tiffany Hines â–ª Connie Jo Sechrist â–ª Natalie Conneely â–ª Ryon Lane â–ª Sammy Wegent â–ª Lili Schafer
- Crew and other production departments
Meredith Yayanos â–ª Kimberly Culotta â–ª Russell August Anderson â–ª Matt Evans â–ª Lisa Almquist â–ª Tara Marshell â–ª Laura Fries â–ª Megan Lush â–ª Omid Matthew â–ª Branden Paris â–ª Michael Phillis â–ª Jona Tochet â–ª Christopher Barnett â–ª Claudia Katayanagi â–ª James Lebrecht â–ª Erik Reimers â–ª Ryan Spenser â–ª Matt Evans â–ª Anna Rottke â–ª Jackie Bryan â–ª Baron Coenen â–ª Nicole Fraser-Herron â–ª Lance Gegner â–ª Asia Heredia â–ª Kelsey Juddo â–ª Ryon Lane â–ª Alyssa Moran â–ª Ryan Nelson â–ª Nicolas 'Nico' Ortiz y Pino â–ª John Threat â–ª Vanessa Woo â–ª Calum Grant â–ª Amie Sarazan â–ª Seth Shubin â–ª Robert Arnold â–ª Stephen Berke â–ª Ryan Coseboom â–ª Bianca Beyrouti â–ª Jackson Currie â–ª Leigh Alexander â–ª Silver Speakman
- Screenplay archived in Peregrine time capsule. Film and screenplay archived in Polaris time capsule.

Palm Street Films (2015) - PM1, GM1
- Directed by Dawn Fields
- Screenplay by Carly Street and Dawn Fields, story by Carly Street- 12 film awards and 17 nominations
- Produced by
Dawn Fields â–ª Debbie Rankin â–ª Kelly Raymer â–ª James Popiden â–ª Tina Carbone â–ª Samuel Peralta
- Cast
Lance Henriksen â–ª Mackenzie Mason â–ª Jody Jaress
- Crew and other production departments
Giuseppe Alfano â–ª Yaron Levy â–ª Dawn Fields â–ª Ashley Swanson â–ª Jessica Miller â–ª Lauren Fonville â–ª Brittany Larisa Avalon â–ª Devan Weitzman â–ª Ambra Chavira â–ª Sam Messe â–ª Jeffrey Kosh â–ª Liz Martin â–ª Geoff McClelland â–ª Jessica Miller â–ª Larry Soileau â–ª Adam Van Der Mark â–ª Jake Brichta â–ª Maui Holcomb â–ª Michael Malerba â–ª Joey Paul â–ª Rick Santizo â–ª Brian Berneker â–ª Tony Hudson â–ª Hiyam Abousaid â–ª Jimmy Black â–ª Kaleb Blakey â–ª Ray Chatman â–ª John Geronilla â–ª Candace Higgins â–ª Geoff McClelland â–ª Sandu Negrea â–ª Tony Rudenko â–ª Andy Steinman â–ª Ed Wu â–ª Gray Marshall â–ª Deborah Rankin â–ª James Heathcote â–ª Toby Holden â–ª Itamar Rashkovsky â–ª Hannah Slavin â–ª Edward Sokolowski â–ª Emelle â–ª Raymond Allaire â–ª Natalie Cueva â–ª Liliana Granados â–ª Zach Knadler â–ª Karlie Powell â–ª Meaghan Vernon â–ª Sarah Wong â–ª Ali Zahiri
- Screenplay archived in Peregrine time capsule. Film and screenplay archived in Polaris time capsule.

Palm Street Films (2021) - PM1
- Pre-production treatment
- Screenplay and direction by Dawn Fields
- Production by
Dawn Fields â–ª James Popiden â–ª Samuel Peralta

Palm Street Films (2014) - GM1
- Directed by Dawn Fields
- Screenplay by Dawn Fields
- Produced by
Tom Massmann â–ª Dawn Fields â–ª James Popiden â–ª Tina Carbone â–ª Meera Kim â–ª Samuel Peralta
- Cast
Juan Reidinger â–ª Danny Herb â–ª Ronni Hawk â–ª Allyson Sereboff â–ª Angelo Polito â–ª Christian Weissmann â–ª Alex Wright â–ª Sierra Gracelyn Brogmus â–ª Cameryn Cox
- Additional cast
Carson Mucho â–ª Nikita Pankratz â–ª Raymond Allaire â–ª Guy Preston Bailey â–ª Stephanie Couture â–ª Peter Holt â–ª Matthew Moore â–ª Radcliff Redding â–ª Dori Russell â–ª Carl Schembri â–ª Alba Yates
- Crew and other production departments
Matthew Carrier â–ª Pedja Radenkovic â–ª Dawn Fields â–ª Tessa Philbrick â–ª Ambra Chavira â–ª Cheynoa Schroeder â–ª Chelsey Hemstreet â–ª Elena Frickman â–ª Tom Massmann â–ª James Popiden â–ª Nicholas Possnack â–ª Alina Shelestyuk â–ª
Nick Somers â–ª Frank Galvan â–ª Eric Raber â–ª Rick Santizo â–ª Gabe Stewart â–ª Victor Winters-Junco â–ª C. Neo Arboleda â–ª
Jimmy Black â–ª Brian DeCroce â–ª David Thomas Graves â–ª Nye Green â–ª Levi Kaminkowitz â–ª Michael Kang â–ª Meera Kim â–ª Kira Murdock â–ª Dyron Pacheco â–ª Michael Paletta â–ª Eric Parkin â–ª Anthony Roldan â–ª Tony Rudenko â–ª Todd Stroik â–ª Peter Swartz â–ª Gene Blalock â–ª Roe Moore â–ª Stephanie Couture â–ª Aaron Ellis â–ª Andrew Graham â–ª Randy Szuch â–ª Sarah Wong

Silent River (2021) - GM1
- Written and directed by Kalpna Singh-Chitnis
- Based on the poem "Silent River" from the poetry collection Bare Soul by Kalpna Singh-Chitnis
- Crew and other production departments
Cinematography: G.Bouiges â–ª Abraham Braun â–ª Kiril Dobrev â–ª Taryn Elliott â–ª Tom Fisk â–ª KML â–ª Ruvim Miksansky
Photography: Jira Rustan â–ª Matthew Montrone â–ª Editing: Kalpna Singh-Chitnis â–ª Post-prouction: Silent River â–ª Music and sound effects: â–ª Acknowledgments: â–ª â–ª

Windrift Books (2021) - PM1
- First published in Palanca Award-Winning Plays (1978)
- This edition Windrift Books (2021), limited edition run, edited by S.B. Peralta and A.K. Peralta
- Jesus T. Peralta is a painter, photographer, graphic artist, poet, anthropologist and archaeologist, essayist, and is also one of the foremost prizewinning playwrights in the Philippines. Exit No Exit won the First Prize in the Full-Length Play category of the Don Carlos Palanca Memorial Awards in 1978 and will be re-issued by Windrift Books as the first in a completely new edition of his award-winning stage plays.
- Photo credit - "Iglesia San Juan Evangelista de Juan Griego, Nueva Esparta" (2006) by Wilfredo R Rodriguez (GFDL, CC-BY-SA)

Tandem Film (2020) - GM1
- Written and directed by Leslie Laasner
- Produced by Maie Rosmann-Lill
- With the support of the Estonian Film Institute and Eesti Kultuurkapital
- Cast
Franz Malmsten â–ª Henessi Schmidt â–ª Ivo Reinok â–ª Hanna Martinson â–ª Andrus Vaarik
- Supporting cast
Anna Ovtsinnikova â–ª Bibi Ann Steinfeld â–ª Carolina Kilp â–ª Hendrik Tiido â–ª Jass Reemann â–ª Kristjan Aru â–ª Maarja Tang â–ª Oskar Viirand â–ª Romet Kaljo â–ª Sten Talivee â–ª Susan Must
- Crew
Martin Venela â–ª Maie Rosmann â–ª Aili Maarja â–ª Inga Vaatsk-Laasner â–ª Getter Vahar â–ª Kenneth Barlin â–ª Henri Vares â–ª Gerda Miller â–ª Henri Piiroja â–ª Tanel Roovik â–ª Kertu Kuusel â–ª Janis Kokk â–ª Janar Hakk â–ª Ott Tiigirand â–ª Juss Rebane â–ª Andrey Kulpin â–ª Bertil Tarbe â–ª Janar Volmer â–ª Gunnar Laal â–ª Ingvar Toomas Heamagi â–ª Joe M Dunnigan â–ª Rasmus Kossesson â–ª Jaan Kronberg â–ª Triin Kadaja â–ª Dmitry Natalevich â–ª Joonas Taimla â–ª Mark Nettan â–ª Rauno Linnamae â–ª Erki Tikkan â–ª Ave Ruutel â–ª Marye-Heleen Leol â–ª Kristo Kaljuvee â–ª Sander Lebrecht â–ª Merili Laur â–ª Kohvik Siin â–ª Ants Magi â–ª Katariina Helena Suve â–ª Maie Rosmann â–ª Janis Kokk â–ª Ken Murk â–ª Reimo Paevere â–ª Henri Piiroja â–ª Afar Stuudiod â–ª Tanel Roovik â–ª Henri Piiroja â–ª Mario Pulver â–ª Ljudmilla Reimann
- Music
"Kariibi Mere Trapper" written and performed by Clicherik â–ª "47" written and performed by EUTANAA$IA â–ª "Vallutus" written and performed by Wall Street Failers â–ª "The Four Seasons: Summer - Allegro Non Molto" by Antonio Vivaldi via Primrose Music Classical

JMA Productions (2022) - GM1
- Written by Jacqueline Marie Alberto
- Script for The Tipping Point, pilot for a proposed television series Heartbreakers Anonymous, as well as associated graphic novel
- Cover art by Elias Martins
- Logo designed by Amalia Garcia
- Jacqueline Marie Alberto is an actress, dancer, and writer from Miami, FL. She has a BA degree in Theatre from Florida State University and a MFA degree in Acting from the University of Houston. Jacqueline has also been known to perform as a stand-up comedian, appearing on stages at The World Famous Comedy Store and Flappers Comedy Club. As a writer, she has produced many original web-series, TV pilots, and short films.
- Graphic novel version supported by
Michelle Argyris â–ª Michael Higney â–ª Shannon Hill â–ª Karlei Lin â–ª A. Nonymous III â–ª Samuel Peralta â–ª Channing Porter â–ª Daniel Seymour â–ª Gabrielle Stone

Henley Black Productions (2020) - GM1
- Written by Alice Henley
- Lal is the story of the East End girls who kept Britain going while the boys were away fighting World War II. The play follows the character of Lal, struggling with domestic abuse and fighting to hold her world together while the country is facing its greatest ever threat.
- Production at the Hen & Chickens Theatre 2022 directed by Stuart Black
- Cast for the March 2022 production included
Alice Henley â–ª James Messner â–ª Charlie Ellerton â–ª Lucy Scammell â–ª Alanya Hotchkiss â–ª Becky John â–ª Tom Sansone â–ª Richard Glover â–ª Ciara Pouncett
Claire Square (2015) - GM1
- Directed by Claire Carré
- Written and produced by Claire Carré and Charles Spano
- Cast
Jason Ritter â–ª Iva Gocheva â–ª Greta Fernández â–ª Tucker Smallwood â–ª Karl Glusman â–ª Silvan Friedman â–ª Roberto Cots â–ª Dominique Swain â–ª Matthew Goulish â–ª Kirsten Kairos â–ª Arianna Messner â–ª Ryan Czerwonko â–ª Nathaniel Andrew â–ª Derrick Aguis â–ª Sundance â–ª Brandon Bowens â–ª Janice Culver
- Crew and other production departments
Todd Antonio Somodevilla â–ª Chelsea Oliver â–ª Claire Carré â–ª Kimberly Henninger â–ª Shawn Parke â–ª Michael Baird â–ª
Jason Dotts â–ª Rich Pernice â–ª Alex Zustra â–ª Lee Towndrow â–ª John Grimaldi Jr â–ª Nathaniel Jencks
Wild Heart Entertainment (2022) - GM1
- The Edge of Her Mind is an award-winning collection of nine short films, made by and about women, using drama, comedy and fantasy to shine a compassionate light on women’s mental health.
- “Xin” - Tina Huang, creator & producer; Karla Mosley, producer; Desha Dauchan, director
Grief/forgiveness - (Drama/Horror) A young woman struggles with the death of her mother, while trying to forgive her less-than-perfect father. Starring Tina Huang, Cici Lau, Karla Mosley and Jim Lau.
- “Cafe Abundance” - Emily McGregor, writer, director, producer
Body image - (Comedy) Over lunch, two women take a bold stand after becoming fed up with society’s obsession with calorie-counting and women’s body image.
- “Fragile Storm” - Dawn Fields, writer, director, producer
Caregiving - (Drama) A young woman goes to extreme lengths to escape the clutches of a terrifying older man, only to discover the heartbreaking truth about who she is and why she’s really there. Starring Lance Henriksen.
- “Utopia” - Aimiende Negbenebor Sela, writer, director, producer
Self-acceptance - (Drama) A young lesbian, struggling to come out to her mother, learns a valuable lesson about the misguided notion that ‘the grass is always greener on the other side”
- “Over The Moon” - Jade Raybin, writer & producer; Jenessa Joffe, director & producer
Fantasy vs reality - (Romance/Comedy) Mariela is a woman who has visions, and not always the pleasant kind. Her world is turned upside down when she meets Django, a man who seems to defy gravity, and who is not afraid to hunker down in the trenches and figure it out with her.
- “Joy” - Laurena Lourenco, writer, director, producer
Feeling 'othered' - (Drama) Joy speaks candidly about her experience as a marginalized woman in a patriarchal society.
- “Count Back From Ten” - Tamar Halpern, writer, director, producer
Mind over matter - (Fantasy/Drama) A young girl harnesses the power of imagination in order to escape her heartbreaking reality.
- “Uncertainship” - Amanda Hinkley, writer, director, producer
Suspicion - (Fantasy/Comedy/Drama) A young woman’s deepest relationship fears and insecurities come to life.
- “Mermaid” - Fia Perera, writer, director, producer
Trans youth bullying - (Drama) A deep connection is forged when a ten-year-old boy, struggling with his gender, crosses paths with an unraveling, grief-stricken drag queen.

Palm Street Films (2013) - GM1
- Directed by Dawn Fields
- Screenplay by Dawn Fields
- Produced by Dawn Fields & James Popiden
- Cast
Dove Meir â–ª Natalie Shaw â–ª Nick Somers
- Crew and other production departments
Giuseppe Alfano â–ª Matthew Carrier â–ª Gabrielle Paciorek â–ª Dawn Fields â–ª Roe Moore â–ª Cheynoa Schroeder â–ª Celeste Antoine â–ª Gavin Peretti â–ª Blake Nakoa â–ª Randy Szuch â–ª Frank Galvan â–ª Paul Gonzales â–ª Eric Raber â–ª Gabe Stewart â–ª Andy Chinn â–ª Colten Currey â–ª Sara Garth â–ª Allyson Laquian â–ª Leslie Nestor Miranda â–ª Nicholas Possnack â–ª Derrick Sims â–ª Peter Swartz â–ª Deborah Rankin

Capture Movement Films (2019) - GM1
- Directed, produced, and written by Joseph Martin Yumul
- Cast
Kristen Boone â–ª Jomartin Yumul â–ª Ryan Wilson
- Crew and other production departments
Jeralynn Yumul â–ª Mark Roldan â–ª Khauri McClain â–ª OC Music CO and David Fesliyan
- Special thanks to Josefina and Gerardo Yumul
- Created for the 2019 Hampton Roads 48 Hour Film Project

Capture Movement Films (2020) - GM1
- Directed, produced, and written by Joseph Martin Yumul
- Cast
Ryan Wilson â–ª Josie Nicolato â–ª Lori Elizabeth â–ª Mark Roldan
- Crew and other production departments
Jeralynn Yumul â–ª Jomartin Yumul â–ª Leah Rae Ozo
- Special thanks to Josefina and Gerardo Yumul
- Created for the 2020 Hampton Roads 48 Hour Film Project